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Get Rid of Stress and Anxiety

We all have stress and anxiety as the time passes on. We don’t know exactly what is it all about.

“Studies, money, position, family, health, political situation and so on thousands way to worry”. We have plenty of causes to worry and stress ourselves. However, in real we have nothing to worry about.

Did those worried ever solve our issues and problems? Let’s ask this question to ourselves. Think of a situation where you have thought your world has come to an end but nothing had happened. You had made all those situations in your brain and rest of the world even did not know about your situation or never bothered to care about it. Therefore, nothing is that big to worry about in life. Everything heals as time passes. Take things positively. You can say either the bottle is half empty or half filled. That’s you and only you who make you, “you”.

The only way to get rid of worried is to “JUST LET IT GO”.

When things have not yet happened why we are you worrying about the outcomes? The outcomes which is not in our hand, there is no point in worrying about those future possibilities. Just think there will be positive outcomes even from the worst situation you ever thought of. That will take you towards your goal.

Do some exercises.

You are a student, house wife, retired, professional, job hunter, businessman, whatever you are, make something good or a regular habit and follow it regularly. You may go to temple/church/mosque or to a social club for good cause every week or a month. Which will let you grow and engage in social aspect, and which in turns gives you self-satisfaction and taste of social achievements.

Give yourself few minutes to relax each day. You yourself alone may sit calmly with your closed or opened eyes for at least 10-15 minutes a day. Just let go everything. At least those 15 minutes, smile and think about your achievements. Thank those who let you grow this big. Think yourselves fortunate than so many millions people in this world, who are still under starvation and poverty.

Think what you really want to achieve and imagine that you have already achieved all those things. Picture it in imagination that you are already there where you wanted to be. Smile and enjoy those achievements even if it is for few moments in imagination. That will relax you, and give you those feeling of fulfillment. It would be a good “Trans” and you will be out of the anxiety.

Give a big smile deep inside from yourself....!!!!

You are relaxed and happy now.

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